Wednesday, November 2, 2016

You Are a Gift!

READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings for the day!

There are some really cool take aways from today's Gospel Reading (John 6:37-40). The first big point is that Jesus is very clear He is here on this earth to do God's will, not anything of His own, but only what God has for Him. 

The next big point and the one I want to rest on today is that we are a gift to Jesus from God. Yup, you read that right! Jesus tells us that everything God GIVES Him will go to Him and he won't reject anyone who goes to him.

Yes, God GIVES us to Jesus and Jesus wants to claim us and take us with Him if we are willing to go! He does not want to leave anyone behind. He wants to bring us into eternity with Him and raise us up on that last day! 

Sometimes I am pretty full of myself and think of myself as special, but seriously, to think that we could possibly be a gift to Jesus is beyond mind blowing! To think that Jesus won't reject us if we go to Him is a promise that gives us life! Where else in life do you get a guarantee like that? So many of us have a fear of rejection whether we see it and verbalize it or not. We let that fear of rejection keep us from far too much in this life. 

Jesus won't reject us, in fact, He wants to draw us close to Him! 

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