Thursday, November 17, 2016

Finding Peace

Start your day off right. READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings and spend some time reflecting on them today!

In our Gospel reading today (Luke 19:41-44) we see Jesus weep! Is there any other more real and honest emotion a human can have? Jesus knows what is going to happen and he is grieving for His people. By not accepting Jesus, the people will not find peace but will only find destruction.

Jesus is our only Hope. By rejecting Him, we reject peace! By rejecting Him we are rejecting love. By rejecting him we are rejecting life!

The only true peace, hope and love is found in Jesus and when the people reject Him, they reject life.

I imagine Jesus is weeping when he looks at our world today. He is mourning over all those who continue to reject Him every day. He is mourning becuase without him there is so much hopelessness in this world! There is war and destruction. We see friends fighting, families torn apart and society crumbling.

Individually me must stop rejecting Jesus and as a society we must invite Him back in if we have any hope for real change!

Individually we must turn and run to Him and not to the world. As a society we must turn away from the wickedness of the world and turn to Him. Then and only then will there be any chance for peace.

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