Tuesday, November 22, 2016

We Must Endure

We are mid week. To get over that hump, turn to the Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings for today.

In our Gospel today (Luke 21:12-19), Jesus is continuing to talk about the end times. We are warned that things are going to be more than difficult for us. We will be persecuted, we will have to give a testimony and some of us will be put to death! We will be turned over not just by enemies, but by those we think are friends and even by our families.

We are told not to worry about what we are going to say or to prepare our testimony because we will be given the words. When we trust and listen, we will be led in what to say and it will not be able to be refuted!

Jesus closes our Gospel telling us to endure! If we endure, not a hair on our head will be harmed! We must endure to truly live. When we put our full faith, hope and trust He gives us a supernatural endurance. He gives us strength beyond anything we could muster on our own!

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