Sunday, November 13, 2016

Eyes of Faith

As we begin a new week, let's get started on the right foot and dig into the word a bit by READING and/or LISTENING to our Mass readings today.

Courage, Faith and Persistence are the words that jump out at me as I read today's Gospel (Luke 18:35-43).

We see a blind man, an outcast tossed aside by society, be bold, brave and courageous. He heard a commotion going on and when he was told it was because Jesus was there, he called out to Him. The blind man was NOT going to let an opportunity, he was NOT going to let Jesus just pass him by.

This man's faith was HUGE. He just knew if he could get near Jesus, he would be healed. He wasn't going to let anyone stop him, not even a crowd who was hushing him and trying to keep him silent! The more they tried to quiet him down, the louder he got!

This blind man saw with eyes of faith! Do you see with eyes of faith? Do you recognize Jesus? Do you show courage, faith and persistence when it comes to things that matter to you? Do you call out to Jesus when you need healing and believe that you will be healed?

It's time to be courageous, it's time to be persistent and it's time to start seeing with eyes of faith!

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