Monday, November 28, 2016

Healing Authority

Happy New Year! It's time to start a new week and head into Advent on the right foot. Be sure to start this week off READING and/or LISTENING to the Mass readings today.

Our Gospel for today (Matthew 8:5-11) is a special one to me. I remember the moment during a Mass (before I converted) that this scripture jumped out and grabbed ahold of me. I totally understood the idea of the centurion asking Jesus to heal his servant by just speaking the servant well. He understood Jesus power and authority and that he just needed to speak and His orders would be carried out.

I just didn't understand how much this particular passage meant to my life until I was speaking those words in Matthew before Eucharist was being given to all the faithful Catholics around me.

"Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant shall be healed."

That was when I truly hungered to convert and take part in this communion meal!

These are the words that we speak and pray to Jesus before we partake in the precious body and blood.  We are not worthy, yet He will heal us! We are not worthy and he forgives us of our sins. We are not worthy, but He comes to us every day!

I pray for faith like the Centurion every day. I pray that I don't ever lose sight of Jesus power and glory.

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