Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Use it or Lose it!

Let's get over that Wednesday hump by diving deep into God's word. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today!

Today's Gospel comes from Luke 19:11-28. In this parable we are learning more about the Kingdom, and the importance of using the gifts we are given.

Our parable today is one of the stories on talents. In the story, a nobleman is going out to get his kingship and before he leaves he gives 10 servants 10 gold coins each to trade with and earn more money.

When he returns after obtaining his kingship he looks to get an account of the money that was earned through trading. 

The first earned an additional 10 and as a reward he was put in charge of 10 cities, the second earned 5 and was put in charge of 5 cities, the next hadn't earned anything! This servant took the money and kept it in his pocket because he was afraid to lose any saying he knew his master was a demanding man. The master was angry. At a minimum, this servant could have put the money into the bank and at least collected some interest. Not only were the 10 coins taken from him, but they were given to the servant who had already doubled the master's money.

Everyone who has more, will be given, but from the one who has not, even what he has will be taken away. Luke 19:26

I use to think this logic was unfair and didn't really understand the teaching, but I finally "get" it. In it's simplest terms it's like that phrase we heard so often growing up "use it or lose it." 

More than ever I am seeing the truths of the lesson here. God has given each of us gifts. The more we use those gifts, the more opportunities we are given to use them and the more we are able to see the benefits of those gifts. The master was angry at the 3rd servant, not because he didn't earn money, but because he let fear get in the way and didn't even try!

God wants us to use the gifts we are given. God wants to reward us when we use those gifts to bring honor and glory to Him. When He sees us doing good work and sees us using those gifts, He gives us more for it! 

Have you seen this in your life? Have you invested wisely with gifts God has given you only to see them increase? I have seen this with my money, I have seen this with my time, and I have seen this in my business. The more people I help in my business, the more people seem to come my way! 

Just like the Master returning to take an account of what the servants did with the gold coins, Jesus is coming back and will look for an accounting of what we have done with the gifts we are given. 

I want to be a good and faithful servant. I want to make him proud and do more with what I have. It's time to stop letting fear stand in my way and remember that I have been given gifts that I must use! 

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