Friday, November 18, 2016

Are you Hungry?

It's Friday, so let's finish this week strong and go into the weekend even stronger by digging into the Word with by READING and/or LISTENING to the Mass Readings today.

Yesterday we saw Jesus having a very real and raw human emotion when he wept over the city, today, in our Gospel (Luke 19:45-48), we see Jesus express another strong human emotion...anger. Jesus was angry that His father's house was being turned into a market place and not the house of prayer it was intended to be. The poor were being taken advantage of and greed was rampant. He cleared out the temple and brought it back to a place of worship and teaching.

The chief priests and religious leaders wanted to find a way to incriminate Jesus and have him killed for belittling their authority. They wanted to discredit him in front of the people out of jealousy, however, they were unable to get to him because all the people were hanging on His every Word! They hungered to hear what He had to teach!

There needs to be a greater hunger for Jesus Word in this world. We crave the things we feed ourselves. We find ourselves hungry for those things we consume. If you eat a bunch of sugary things, you crave sugar. If you eat a lot of veggies, you will start to crave veggies. If you start feeding yourself the Word of God, that is what you will hunger after!

Once the people heard Jesus speak God's Word with Power and Authority, they hung onto everything he said and wanted more of it.

What do you hunger? Are you filling yourself with too much of the junk in this world, or do you hunger for God's Word?

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