Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Hated by the World, Loved by Jesus

READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today and spend a little extra time with God thinking about His Word.

In our reading yesterday we read about a blind man who saw Jesus through eyes of faith.  In today's Gospel (Luke 19:1-10) we meet another man who saw Jesus wit these eyes as well.

Zacchaeus was a disliked tax collector who was not going to let a crowd or his small height keep him from seeing Jesus. He ran ahead and climbed up a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus as he was walking through town!

Jesus singled him out and called him out of the tree so He could have dinner at his house.

Dude! What would you do if Jesus singled you out of a crowd to have dinner at your house? I feel like I would need to run home and get my house in a more presentable order (even if it already was)! I would be so worried about what to serve to eat and drink. Then, after I was done worrying about all of those things, it would probably hit me how unworthy I am to be in Jesus presence.

Zacchaeus openly welcomed Jesus into his home, and into his heart, for that matter! He did not let the thoughts and opinions of others deter him from having Jesus over. He didn't let their dislike of him effect how he would welcome Jesus. He also didn't let his lack of righteousness keep Jesus away!

When Zaccaeus welcomed Jesus, allowed him into his home and into his heart, he truly repented and was forgiven! When he truly repented he was changed! An outward sign of this internal change was giving away half of his possessions to the poor!

We must continue to call out to Jesus, even when it is hard. We must continue to seek him, even when others are in the way. We must keep our heart open to Him so he may enter and change us!

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