Thursday, November 24, 2016

His Word Doesn't Change

Happy Friday. I pray you had a blessed and happy Thanksgiving. As we round out the week, be sure to READ and/or  LISTEN to our Mass readings for today.

I'm not gonna lie, I am struggling with this one. Part of it may be the festivities of yesterday, but the larger part is what I am suppose to take from this one.

In our Gospel (Luke 21:29-33), Jesus gives his disciples a parable about a fig tree. He says we are able to tell the coming seasons by what is happening with the trees. When the leaves come out, Summer is near.

I think He is wanting us to be paying attention to the signs around us. Although we won't know when Jesus will return, we will see many things happen first. There will be signs pointing to the end of this age and the coming of the next.

What we have to always cling to is that God's Word will remain. No matter what happens, or when it happens, God's Word doesn't change and doesn't end.

We know Jesus will come because we are told he will.

As we are ending the church year, are you paying attention to the signs He places all around us? Do you see and feel His presence among you? Have you fully repented (and do you continue to) and follow Him?

I don't know what is to come in my life, but I am comforted that I can place my faith, hope and trust in a God that doesn't change, doesn't lie and is eternal!

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