Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Simple Faith

Happy Tuesday! I pray you have started the New Liturgical year off well! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

I was certainly not the smartest or best student in graduate school (or anywhere, ever, for that matter), but I remember so clearly being in some of my classes and just "getting it" when those who were super intelligent and those with the high averages just didn't.

I remember seeing some of the problems and solutions with such ease, while they struggled. It was almost like they were making it more complicated than it needed to be because they couldn't see it at it's simplest form.

I feel that way about some of these Gospel readings. I feel that sometimes when Jesus tells us we need to have the faith of children and look at situations through the eyes of a child. They see the information in front of them, they don't have all these other places to pull from, they aren't yet tainted by the world and have their vision obscured. They see what's in front of them without doubt or questions.

In our Gospel today (Luke 10:21-24), Jesus is thanking his father for revealing who He is to the "childlike." He reveals himself to those with a pure and simple faith, to those with a childlike faith!

I pray to always have a childlike faith. I pray for the kind of faith that is simple, honest and pure! I pray for a faith that doesn't question or become tainted by the outside world. I pray that I don't lose sight of Jesus and what He wants to reveal to me. He is The Way and the Truth and the Life and the ONLY way to God!

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