Thursday, November 3, 2016

When the Lost is Found

Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings for today!

Have you ever lost something? Have you ever lost something important and valuable? I have and it feels terrible. I start obsessing and can't do anything else until I find it! When I do find that item the feeling of excitement and joy can't be contained!

In our Gospel reading (Luke 15:1-10) today, the Pharisees are giving Jesus a hard time, yet again, for eating and spending time with tax collectors and sinners. They question him because they think he is above being around "those kind of people," and are probably a bit jealous at the time he is spending with these sinners and not themselves!

Jesus tries to break it down for the Pharisees and explain to them why spending time with these people is so important. He gives them two parables. The first he is talking about lost sheep and then he tells of a woman who lost money.

In both parables something very important is lost. In both parables, everything is put on hold to go searching for the lost item, and in both parables there is great celebration where others are invited when the lost is found.

Jesus is illustrating His purpose and mission. He is here find the lost! He is here to save and heal the lost! It is the sinner that needs him most and he will do everything to save them!

God is not the only one that celebrates, the community of believers must too! We must support, encourage and rejoice when the lost is found!

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