Monday, November 7, 2016

Do you give your all?

READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today. It's the best way to get your day going, or to focus you later in the day when you get a chance to check in!

Do you give your best at all times? Do you work hard regardless of the praise, rewards, or effort of those around you?

In our Gospel (Luke 17:7-10) , Jesus is not only calling us to give our best, but to do it with love. He uses a parable of a servant who just finished taking care of his work outside and then when he comes inside he is then asked to prepare and serve dinner and told he can eat after.

Should the servant expect special favor or praise for doing as the Master asks of him? Of course not! This thought sounds so contrary to what we see and hear in society today. We live in a scary time of entitlement. We live in a time where "everyone wins" and people are rewarded for doing the bare minimum in their jobs.

If we want our faith to increase, we must continue to obey Jesus. We must continue to serve without expectation and we must continue to do so with our best effort.

Too many people today want to know "what's in it for me?" What's in it is being satisfied for a job well done! What's in it is obedience, and what's in it is an increased faith when we serve out of love!

When you struggle with this, act as though you are serving Jesus directly! This will certainly give you a new perspective!

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