Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Do not be led astray

Are you ready to get your day moving in the right direction? READ and/or LISTEN to today's mass readings to help you with that!

In our Gospel today (Luke 21:5-21) the people were asking for and wanting a sign of the end times. They wanted to know when the end will come and what it is going to look like.

Jesus answers them (and us) with a warning not to follow the many that will try to come in His name. We are not to be deceived by those claiming to be Him. Jesus warns us that things are going to get really ugly here on earth before the end comes, like really ugly! Earthquakes, famines, plagues and wars.

It gets worse for us personally...before all that we are going to be persecuted and imprisoned! Jesus, however, assures us that when we are called to give testimony of Him, He will strengthen us and give us the words to use.  We need to not be worrying about these things to come, we must just put our faith, hope and trust in Him.

Jesus is telling of the great destruction of the World and everything that the people held near and dear to them!

We must maintain our focus on Him. We must not let the things of the world distract us and take away from Him. We must not allow the world to hold us captive by fear and trust that God will see us through all of the trials we will face during the rest of this life. We must stay strong and not be swayed by those claiming to be Him or claiming to have a better way.

He is the Way! He is the Truth and He is the Life!

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