Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Is it Time to Clean Your Temple?

Today we wake up with a New President elect, and regardless of where you stand on it, we can take comfort in knowing our hope is not in man and that Jesus is our King! Continue to saturate yourself with God's Word and begin that today with our Mass readings. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to them today!

In today's Gospel (John 2:13-22) we see Jesus angry. Anger itself isn't a sin, it's what we do with our anger that gets us into trouble. Jesus was angry, but we know he didn't sin!

We see Jesus is so outraged at the practices that are taking place at the temple that we see him drive animals out and flip over tables! The temple was being turned into a market place where sheep oxen and doves were being sold.

The Gospel tells us that Jesus had a "zeal" for His Fathers house that consumed him or burned in him. the word zeal means a strong interest or enthusiasm that causes us to act.

The Jewish people knew the prophetic text about the messiah and wanted a sign from Him as proof to His authority to act the way he did. I, however, don't want to focus on this exchange or the foreshadowing to Calvary that happens next, I want to focus on what was going on at the Temple. I want us to look at how turning the temple into a market place was getting between people and God.

What was taking place at the temple was distracting from God, it was getting in the way of people and true worship. We need to get rid of the all things that hinder us from entering into God's presence. We need to clear the Temple of the junk that is happening in and around it. This includes us! We are a temple of the Holy Spirit! What things are you allowing into your temple that keep you from God? Is it unhealthy cravings for food? Are you filling yourself with unhealthy desires? Are you focusing your heart and mind on the love of money?

We must clear the temple so we can truly enter into God's presence. We must have the same kind of zeal for our Father's house and start treating it that way!

Clean up your Temple!

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