Monday, November 7, 2016

"Increase My Faith"

Happy Monday! Monday is my favorite day because it is a fresh start on our calendar! It's time to not dwell on the mistakes of the past (or weekend) and move ahead! As you get your week kicked off, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings for today.

Our Gospel today (Luke 17:1-6) we hear about and learn 3 key things.
  1. Temptation
  2. Forgiveness
  3. Faith
We first hear about temptations to sin. We are reminded that there are are temptations all around us, and the devil is out there roaming the earth looking to attack us where we are weakest! We must be mindful of this and always be on guard. We must not become lazy or complacent, but always be aware of the sin around us!

Next we are told to forgive! If someone should sin against us and seeks forgiveness, we must grant it. I know, this is way easier said than done, but we must try. We are called to show compassion, Mercy and forgiveness to those who sin against us. We are called to even forgive multiple offenses if forgiveness is sought out. I know I struggle with this in a BIG way! I struggle forgiving certain people and offenses one time, but when they continue to wrong me over and over again I get frustrated and often have a hard heart. I must remind myself daily of the sacrifice Jesus made for me and how many times he forgives the things I continue to screw up over and over again!

Lastly, in this gospel we read about faith. The apostles ask Jesus to "increase our faith." This is a prayer I pray daily! Jesus reminds us that even the smallest of faith can do BIG, HUGE things. When we are faithful and we are obedient, there is no end to what God can do through us!

As you go into your week, pay attention to the sin and temptations that surround you, be strong in your faith and seek God's help to remain obedient and faithful! Remember Jesus and His sacrifices for you as others seek your forgiveness, and then give it freely! Be a light in this dark world by showing the the love, compassion and Mercy of Jesus.

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