Sunday, November 20, 2016

Selfless Giving

Happy Monday, Happy Thanksgiving week and it's almost our Church New Year! Talk about an extra GREAT time to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings from today.

Today's Gospel (Luke 21:1-4) is super short, super simple and such an incredible reminder of true, selfless giving. In our Gospel we read the story of a poor widow who gave out of her poverty, while the wealthy were giving larger amounts of money. She gave when she had nothing left to give, she gave her very best, while the wealthy were giving out of their abundance.

We learn that true giving comes from the heart. True giving isn't about a dollar amount or measurable value, it is about giving our best, sacrificing to give, and giving out of love.

God can take anything given out of love, given with our best effort and multiply it in ways we can't comprehend. Our love is worth more than any dollar amount, and anything given out of love is priceless.

Do you give selflessly out of love?

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