Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Coming of the Kingdom

I pray you continue to saturate yourself with God's Word, beginning with READING and/or LISTENING to our Mass readings today.

In our Gospel we are reading about the coming of the kingdom of God. We have read many times in scripture about how we won't know the day or hour, but this scripture get's even more detailed for us.

Jesus confuses the Pharisees by indicating that God's Kingdom is already present among them (in Him).

He then speaks to the second coming. He tells us that the Kingdom of God will come like lightening flashing from one end of the sky to another. This picture is even more vivid if we are paying attention to where this is being told. Storms were not frequent occurrences and lighting would strike without warning. This is how God is going to announce the kingdom!

Like the lightening in the sky, it will be very clear that this is the Kingdom! We are told that we will get so desperate looking that we may think we see it and find it. We don't need to go looking, because we won't be able to find it, there will be no grand announcement, but there will also be no mistaking when the Kingdom is here!

Jesus is coming back to judge the living and the dead. He won't give us a warning of when He is coming, just that He is coming. What do you want to be doing if He were to arrive today? Are you living the life He would want you to be living? Are you being obedient? Are you living with unforgiveness in your heart?

It's time to start living each moment like it is the moment He is coming back to judge! It is time to serve, love and forgive!

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