Friday, November 11, 2016

Don't Get Left Behind

It'a another Friday and close to the week :-) Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today and close this week right!

In our Gospel today (Luke 17:26-37) we are hearing more about what the second coming will look like.

The LORD is coming, this is clear, we just don't know when! We are given the analogies of Noah and the people during the time of the flood as well as Lot leaving Sodom. On seemingly "normal" days where people were going about their usual business God came without warning. On the day of the flood, Noah got into the arc and the flood came and wiped out the earth. On the day Lot left Sodom without looking back, fire and brimstone came down and destroyed all the people!

We are told that this is what it will be like when our Lord returns. People will be going about their usual day, working, eating and sleeping. When he comes, we are not to be like Lots wife and look back! When she did, she was destroyed with her city!

We will each be judged individually. Jesus says that we will be eating and one will be taken up and one will be left behind!

God's desire is that we are all taken up to heaven. His desire is that we all live in eternity, but the simple truth is that we won't. We won't because of the choices we make! We have been warned over and over and over again that God is coming. We have been warned that we will be judged. We have been told and even shown how we are to live, act and believe, yet some of us won't wise up!

Jesus is not sugar coating anything, he is warning us out of his great love for us! He wants us all to repent and seek forgiveness for our sins! He wants us all to turn from our former lives and be born again new in Him! He offers the gift of life to us freely and desperately wants us to take it!

To those who refuse this gift and continue to refuse Him, they will be judged on that final day and it will be too late! They will be left behind for the vultures.

If you have not turned to Christ yet, why not? It's time! What if he were to come tonight? He might, we have no idea, are you willing to take that chance with your life? Are you willing to take that chance with eternity?

Repent and turn to Him!

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