Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Are you ready to answer the call?

At some point today, be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings. 

Our Gospel today comes from Matthew 4:18-22. Today we see Jesus calling his first disciples to follow him. 

I love how this whole start to Jesus ministry goes down, and the incredible lessons we can learn in a few short verses. 

  1. Jesus calls on totally ordinary people to start the greatest ministry in the history of the world. He calls ordinary men to change the course of history! These men became extraordinary because they said "yes" when called upon. 
  2. There is never a perfect time to do what we know we must do. These men were in the middle of working. They didn't ask Jesus to wait to finish work, to go home to see their families and make arrangements! They said "yes" and immediately followed. 
  3. We don't always need to understand everything or have all the information in order to act. They had no idea what they were about to do, yet they took that leap of faith and learned along the way!
  4. Each one of us has something incredible to offer this world if we would just listen for Jesus call and obey Him.
We have each been created for great things, we just need to follow our call and not doubt ourselves. Jesus can use us for incredible things if we believe and allow him to.

Are you ready to answer Jesus call on your life? 

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