Monday, October 31, 2016

Exalted Happiness!

To start your day right, be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today! Be sure to get to Mass, it's the Solemnity of All Saints!

Our Gospel reading is taken from the sermon on the Mount found in Matthew. This particular passage is referred to as the Beatitudes. Beatitude means "supreme blessedness, exalted happiness."

Jesus is talking to us about true happiness, about living with purpose and finding abundance! He lays it out in front of us like a roadmap!

God wants us to be happy. He doesn't intend for us to go through our earthly life unhappy. He plants the desire for happiness inside each and every one of us like a seed. The beatitudes are like the soil, water, sun and tending to of that seed. That seed grows as we follow God. That seed grows as we strive to live saintly lives. And that seed grows as we make choices in our life that reflect the kingdom and not just desires of the world.

If we pursue God with everything we have, no matter what the situation or circumstances we face, we will receive his ultimate blessings, rewards and true happiness! I pray we see some of this reward while we are here on Earth, but we can rest on God's promise that we will certainly see it in Heaven.

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