Thursday, March 2, 2017

Real Power and Strength

Wow, Lent is here and upon us! Now more than ever, be sure to get in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Luke 9:22-25 is a super short and incredibly powerful Gospel. In it we learn of the suffering Jesus must go through before He is ultimately put to the most painful and cruel death, then we hear that He will be raised up again on the 3rd day, and lastly we are told that if we want to go where He is headed, we have to pick up our own cross and follow Him there.

Whew...a loaded passage for sure!

Imagine the shock the disciples must have felt. Jesus was suppose to be the Messiah, the Chosen One. He came to save the world and he was going to be put to a humiliating death? That doesn't sound or look like power in our world but weakness.

Through the cross we see power and real strength. Think about how strong you have to be to remain silent when you are being falsely accused of crimes that will lead to your death?

To truly live we must die. We must die to self and the ways of the world. We must be obedient and submit to God and His will. We must not worry about the things of this world but look heavenward.

We are not of this world. Our time here is finite. Our reward and our real life is with Jesus in The Kingdom.

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