Friday, March 17, 2017

It is time to produce or get out!

Another Friday is upon us already. Be sure to slow yourself down and spend some time in God's word and Reflecting on it. READ our mass readings today as a good start!

Our Gospel today (Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46) is the parable of vineyard owner who leased his land out to tenants to work it while he is away for a while.

The land owner sends servants to collect some of the fruit from the land for him 3 different times with a terrible outcome. One was beaten, one killed and one stoned!

The land owner decided to send his son becuase surely he would be respected, right? Oh, heck no! The evil tenants saw the heir to the vineyard and figured that with him out of the way the land would be theirs.

What did the tenants really believe would happen? Did they think that killing the son would put them next in line for the inheritance? They were forgiven over and over again and given chance after chance to do the work they were suppose to, but they failed over and over.

We are tenants here on earth. This is a temporary home and we are here to work God's harvest.

God is compassionate and full of mercy and grace, but ultimately we will be judged. There will come a time when enough is enough and if we haven't learned our lesson, it will be too late! We must stop taking our chances and turn from our wicked ways NOW and repent! The hour will come and I don't want to be on the wrong side of the harvest. God will separate His people. He will take the land away from those who are not producing and give it to those who will.

We have work to do in the vineyard. We have good fruit to be producing for the Kingdom. It won't be easy and we will face trials, however, our reward is sweet! He will come back and gather us up for His own.

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