Monday, March 13, 2017

Huge Gut Check Moment

Holy smokes! It's another Monday and another opportunity to get the week started off right! Let's set the tone for the week by diving into The Word and spending some time with Our Father today! Be sure to READ our daily readings today.

Luke 6:36-38 is exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been a super huge grump lately and need to really snap out of it. I was blessed with an amazing trip to see a friend and was away for a week. Unfortunately, the combination of sick kids, time change and crazy weather changes, I got the crud 😞

During my trip home I did a lot of reflecting on me and my attitude. It became abundantly clear that this lent I need to really work on a few things. I am a terrible gossip. I have gotten better over time, but man does it sneak up on me. The gossiping I do comes from a place of self righteousness and judgement! I find myself criticizing and talking about people that I have judged.

I also did a lot of reflecting and know that I have a lot of work to do when it comes to forgiveness. I have struggled for years forgiving certain people over certain things, and I need to figure this out. It has had a hold of my heart for WAY too long!

The worst part of all my reflecting is that I realize the person I struggle with the most when it comes to judging, talking about and not forgiving is my own husband. Don't misunderstand me, I am not talking bad about him all over the place, but I do find myself griping a little too much with my best friend as we sometimes commiserate with each other.

Sometimes we need to get hurts and frustrations off our chest, but sometimes in doing that and continuing to talk about things, it gives them just a bit too much life. By speaking them it just adds fuel to a fire that is already going a little too strong.

We serve a powerful and merciful God who doesn't mince words. He is super clear. Don't judge because how you judge, you will be judged! Forgive, for if you forgive, you will be forgiven!

We need to start showing the kind of mercy and grace that has been shown to us by The Father. We need to forgive with the kind of heart Jesus forgave. We need to start looking to Him and His sacrifice and stop being so petty over here. We need to take a good hard look at our hearts and posture ourselves so they seek Him earnestly!

Lent is the perfect time for a serious gut check! It's the perfect time to reflect on where we are totally missing the mark and drawing closer to Christ. It's the perfect time to rely on Him and His strength to help pull us through our struggles. Identifying our struggles is a great first step, but it means nothing to Him if we don't do anything about it!

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