Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why is it so hard to trust?

Don't just look to "get over the hump" today! Look to thrive through the day strong. Begin by READING God's Word.

Our Gospel today is John 5:17-30. It is a little longer than some, however, it is very clear. Jesus is the son of God. He is here on earth doing the will of God. Apart from God he can't do anything. Everything He does it what He sees His Father do!

God has given Jesus the power and authority to do ALL things in His name. He has the power and authority to raise the dead and give life as well as the power to exercise judgement.

In order to know God we must know Jesus. In order to honor God, we must honor Jesus. In order to truly live we must believe the Word of Jesus because it is from God.

Jesus was sent to earth in human form to bring us back to God. He came to restore what was broken in the garden. He is here as our perfect example. We don't just have God's Word, but we have Jesus, in the flesh to learn from! He is a bridge between us and God. He loves God so totally and completely that He is 100% obedient and submissive. He follows God's will out of total trust.

When was the last time you trusted God so strongly that you submitted completely to His will and were totally obedient?

I throw these words around a lot, but I know I am struggling with this during this season of my life. I know in my head that that the only way to true peace and true life is to be in total submission and obedience, but I still struggle trusting. It makes no sense since God has never lied and I can see his promises every day around me.

It's time to buck up or shut up, right? It's time to take that leap (even though it's not really a leap, right), submit, obey and live in God's will.

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