Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Guard your Heart

It's another day and another opportunity to grow in our relationship with The King of Kings! Get yourself into His Word and check out our Mass READINGS today!

Who doesn't want to look good in front of others? I know I sure do? The question is, at what cost?

Matthew 23:1-12 talks about humility. Those who want to be seen and heard have already gotten their desire! They got what their hearts wanted!

The Scribes and Pharisees were teaching truth but not living it. They allowed their teaching and practicing of the law to become a burden and lose the intent behind the law. They made the law about the rules and not about the heart.

They started to make their teaching about them. They placed themselves up high and gave themselves importance. They wanted to look and dress "the part" but were not living out the law or living with humility.

We must guard our hearts. So often we start off with good intentions, but popularity and people looking up to us can get the better of us sometimes. Has anyone ever looked up to you and put you on a pedestal because of good work or teaching you have done? When this happens, it is easy to start making what you are doing about you. It is nice to feel respected and loved by others, and when we aren't careful, it can get in the way of our mission.

I spent time training and teaching other people to do what I do. They started to follow me on Facebook and hang onto every word I shared. They started to look up to me. It started to change me. I started to think of myself more highly than I should. I started worrying more about looking good to this group of individuals than about the work I was suppose to be doing. It didn't change what I was actually teaching, but it changed my intent and my heart. I wasn't practicing what I preached and was falling down a slippery slope. I never thought I would be like the Scribes and Pharisees we read about, but it can happen to anyone when we aren't careful and very aware of our heart!

We must guard our hearts. We must keep Jesus at the center! We must always remain humble and remember that apart from God we are nothing.  

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