Monday, March 20, 2017

Obedience is Hard!

Ah, I love Monday! It is time for a fresh start to a new week! Let's start it off the right way and dig into God's Word by READING and meditating on our mass readings today.

Our Gospel (Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24A) today is the story of how the birth of Jesus came about.

This is the ultimate story of compassion, mercy, grace, trust and obedience.

Joseph found out his betrothed was pregnant with a child that wasn't his, and instead of insisting that she be stoned, he was going to quietly divorce her and save her from shame.

Joseph was a God Fearing man, but holy smokes was he put to the test. It's easy to trust in and rely on God when things are going well, but what do you do when trials hit your life? What do you do when you have to face the hard stuff?

We already know Joseph was going to divorce Mary quietly, but then he hears from an angel of the Lord. He is about to be put to the ultimate test! Joseph puts his personal feelings, his personal safety and his wishes aside. He didn't argue, question or complain, he simply obeyed fully and completely.

Joseph may not say much in scripture, but there is so much we can learn from him.

I know I need to put my faith, hope and trust in God. I know He will hold and strengthen me when I am weak. The only way to fully live, the only way to be where God wants us is living in full obedience.

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