Thursday, March 23, 2017

Don't be divided

Alright friends, it's time to get into The Word and READ our mass readings for today!

Our Gospel (Luke 11:14-23) has a lot to unpack.

Jesus was doing his thing, casting out demons and performing crazy miracles, yet the people tried to claim he was from Beelzebul or wanted him to prove who he was with a sign.

It would seem to me that plenty of signs were happening, but the people refused to see them. Their hearts were not truly open to what they were witnessing and hearing about.

It was almost easier for them to believe He was of Beelzebul than of God. If he was from God, than the Kingdom of Heaven made it's way to earth and they would never be the same again.

We have a choice to make!

Scripture is very clear, we are either with Jesus or against, we can't have it both ways.

Division leads to destruction. A kingdom divided is useless and a house divided will fall. We see this ever day! Shoot, look at our government. When we are divided, things don't get done!

I want to be on the side of Good, Right and Truth. I want to stand on the side of faith, hope, love, compassion, mercy and grace. I want to be swept up in the love, peace and protection of Christ.

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