Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Pray, Fast, Give Alms

Is it seriously March 1 already? I can't believe how fast 2017 is flying by. Be sure you slow down and get into the word by READING and/or LISTENING to our readings today.

It makes sense that on Ash Wednesday our Gospel (Mark 6:1-6, 16-18) would hit on alms giving, praying and fasting.

Jesus is telling us that praying and fasting and giving alms are about our heart and not for show. If we are giving just becuase we are looking to check something off a list or in order to look good to others, we are missing the point. Our giving needs to be between us and God. When we make it about anything else, it is not from the heart.

When we pray, we must pray from our heart and to God. We aren't to pray for show. We aren't to ramble on and try to be fancy pants to impress others, our prayers need to be personal and heartfelt.

Finally, Jesus talks to us about fasting. Fasting is an important spiritual discipline that we must not overlook. We also must keep it a heart matter and not for show or to appear righteous to others. Jesus even tells us that when we are fasting we should freshen up and appear as though nothing is going on. We shouldn't be constantly talking about it or looking all doom and gloom because of it. That brings attention and not the attention God wants. It becomes about the outward act and not what is going on inside.

Jesus specifically talks about alms giving, prayer and fasting because they are important spiritual disciplines that we must not neglect. They must be done to bring honor and glory to God and not attention to yourself.

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