Friday, March 3, 2017

There is a Time for Fasting

Another Friday is upon us. Be sure you READ our readings today!

Our Gospel (Matthew 9:14-15) is another short one today, but don't think that means it is any less powerful!

We know that 3 pillars in our spiritual life are prayer, fasting and alms giving. Today Jesus teaches us a little about fasting.

John's disciples ask Jesus whey they and the Pharisees fast so much, yet His disciples do not. In this passage we learn that there is a time for everything. There is a time for fasting and a time for feasting. When Jesus is amongst them in flesh and blood, they should be celebrating and feasting, not fasting.

Lent is the perfect reminder of when and why to fast. We must humble ourselves before the cross in preparation for The Kingdom of God.

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