Thursday, March 9, 2017


I am a little off after being away for over a week, but am back now! I am starting today in The Word and I encourage you to do the same. Be sure you READ our daily readings for today.

Our Gospel today is Matthew 7:7-12. I love the reminder that all we need to do is seek God and He will show himself to us. He isn't off hiding and only around for the big stuff! He is there ALWAYS. He wants to hear our needs, wants and desires. He wants to give us good things, but we need to ask for them!

We must go to the throne of The Father and be Bold. We must not forget that He hears the pleas and cries of His people. There is nothing too big or too small that we can't bring it to His feet!

Our Gospel closes with "The Golden Rule." We must do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

As you go forward today, really look at how you are treating others. Don't just look at the things you are doing, but also the things you aren't! Don't just examine the words you are saying, but also examine your heart and attitude toward others. I know I don't like people thinking ill of me, so I need to stop thinking ill of them!

Humble yourself before God and allow Him to work in and through you! Allow Him to truly transform you from the inside out!

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