Monday, March 6, 2017

We will be judged by our actions and inactions

It's another Monday and we are already solidly into the Month of March with Lent in full swing. Spend some time in The Word today by READING our mass readings.

In our Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46), Jesus talks about the final judgment. We may not like to read about or think about it, but the day of judgment is coming and we will be judged for our time here on earth. We will be separated the way shepherds separate their sheep and goats.

The righteous will be separated from the unrighteousness. The righteous will inherit the kingdom of God while the unrighteousness will be sent to "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

We will be judged by our actions AND inactions! We will be judged by how we take care of each other and how we don't. We must treat everyone we encounter the way we would treat Jesus. If we were to walk by and see Jesus cold and hungry, I am pretty confident there is no doubt we would stop and get him warm clothes and food, right? So, why don't we treat everyone that way?

God will look right into the depths of our hearts. He will look at how we respond to His love and how we share it with others. It isn't enough to say we believe in Jesus and that we love and follow him. We must show our love for Him by how we treat His people!

During this Lenten season, really use the time as a serious gut check. If you need to make changes, make them now! The time of judgment is coming!

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