Friday, March 31, 2017

It's not time

Can you believe that it is the last day of March already? This year is flying by too fast. Take time to pause, slow down your heart and mind and allow God's Word to wash over you. READ our mass readings and spend some time reflecting on them today!

Our Gospel (John 71:1-2, 10, 25-30) is taking place at the feast of the tabernacles. Jesus knew that the people did not like his preaching and wanted Him dead, but He continued to proclaim that He is from God and that God sent Him.

Jesus doesn't back down even though He knows it is going to eventually lead to His painful death. Scripture shows that God has a plan that will not be thwarted. God kept anyone from laying a hand on Jesus during this time because "his hour had not yet come."

What keeps us from being obedient to God?

I think the first, we aren't listening to God. We aren't allowing ourselves to get quiet and get into a place where we can really hear from Him and know what He wants from us.

I believe the biggest reason, however, is that we are scared! I reality, this makes no sense at all. The safest place for us to be is in line with God's will, carrying out his plan and purpose for us, yet we balk at it!

We are fearful of how we will look to others. We are fearful of failing. Sometimes we are fearful of the time and effort His plans may take and that we will have to "miss out" on other things. Sometimes we will even fear for our safety!

Jesus met all of these things head on! He faced rejection, He was called to go places and leave His family and friends, and he was constantly being threatened physically and with prison.

He knew that God's plans were bigger and better and that His Will must be done! He put His personal fear and comfort aside.

Jesus knew full well that He was going to have to suffer an excruciatingly painful death, but He knew it was God's will and obeyed anyway. He willingly could have said no, but he didn't. He took all that pain and suffering on for you and for me!

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