Friday, March 10, 2017

Are you letting seeds of anger in?

I don't know why I am so amazed every time a Friday rolls around. It just feels like time is moving so quickly! With that being said, it's all the more reason to slow down and get into God's Word. Start by READING our mass readings for the day.

Matthew 5:20-26 is gonna burst a lot of bubbles! Many of us think that we are doing much better than we are when it comes to God and judgement, right? I mean, we didn't kill anyone and the commandment says "thou shall not kill." Jesus is telling us in this Gospel that even being angry with someone is wrong. Being angry with someone is subject to the same judgement as murdering them!

We need to stop letting sin take ahold of us. It robs us of our joy, it robs us of the kind of relationship with God that we want and puts us on the wrong side of His judgement. Anger is a seed we do NOT want planted in our life! What may start off as something super tiny and seemingly insignificant can grow out of control.

Jesus tells us if we go to make a sacrifice and remember we are angry with someone, we need to settle that before we can come before Him. We will speak and act out of what is in our heart, so we must keep it pure and from sin. We must not let even the tiniest seeds that don't belong start growing there.

Fill your heart with things of God. Fill your heart with faith, hope, love and His Truth!

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