Thursday, March 30, 2017

Who do you believe?

Good morning! Let's cut the chit chat and dive into The Word. Get to it and READ our mass readings for today.

Let's unpack our Gospel (John 5:31-47).

The people would not accept Jesus Words or His truth. They put their trust in man and not the one God sent. They just wouldn't believe, instead they wanted to imprison and kill Jesus for claiming to be of God.

Jesus was demonstrating the love He has for His Father by remaining obedient and doing His will. He wasn't looking to please anyone but God. He wasn't concerned with all the man made rules, but only those that God laid out.

The Jews were so quick to believe John's testimony, yet Jesus's has a greater one! Jesus doesn't need human testimony, He has God's! They were willing to follow Moses, but ignore who he wrote about!

Read and study all the scripture you want, if you don't believe in Jesus and put your faith and hope in Him, you will have missed the entire point. You will have missed who scripture was pointing to the entire time and you will have missed God's way to salvation.

The life isn't in the scripture itself, it is in the One who inspired it and His Son who was sent to fulfill it!

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