Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Jesus and the Law, a must read today for sure! READ and meditate on our Mass readings today, it will be the best few minutes of your day!

I am a rule girl. I like to have boundaries. Having boundaries makes me feel safe, yet at the same time makes me feel free. Rules and laws help me to know my limits but allow me to live fully within them.

I didn't understand this concept until I started a journey with health and fitness. My nutrition plan had guidelines, but choices within them. The "rules" helped me know how far I could go, while the choices within the rules gave me the freedom to try things and know I would stay safe. I could eat within the guidelines and continue in the right direction.

This idea helps me make sense of today's Gospel (Matthew 5:17-19). Jesus didn't come to abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. He references the 10 Commandments and tells us that even "kinda" breaking a commandment is breaking the law. We have so much freedom within them. They keep us safe and heading in the right direction.

The law was not intended to be a burden the way some tried to make it by adding to it. It was intended to keep the people safe and show them how to live.

Too many people in this world focus on what they can't and shouldn't do opposed to what they can and should. They are the ones setting limitations, not the rules or the law.

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