Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Do you want to be well?

Can you believe it's already Tuesday in the 4th week of Lent? Crazy, huh? If you haven't been getting into The Word daily, don't beat yourself up, just start with today! If you have been, continue on strong and READ our readings for today.

In our Gospel (John 5:1-16) we see a man who has been ill for 38 years! He is waiting by one of the large pools that it was believed could heal those who enter when it gets stirred up. When Jesus encounters the man he asks "Do you want to be well?"

I use to read this and look at the story as the man not willing to do what it takes to get well, that maybe he didn't really want to be healed. I have actually heard this used as a message to take action and step out in faith, but today I read a reflection on it that got me thinking in a whole new way, one that lines up more accurately with the scripture here. The man was paralyzed. It's not like he wasn't trying. The man had no one there to help him, yet he didn't lose hope! He remained there year after year believing he would get well.

When Jesus asked the man "Do you want to be well?" the man explained why he couldn't get into the water. Jesus then tells him "Rise up, take your mat, and walk." Dude, got right up and walked. He believed he was well right away!

Jesus spoke healing into the man and he was immediately healed!

Do you want to change? Do you truly want to be healed? Do you believe in Jesus power to heal you wholly and completely? Don't be content in your circumstances and don't lose hope, be willing to allow Christ to transform you!

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