Monday, March 20, 2017

It's time to truly Forgive

It is another great and blessed day to be alive! Dive into God's word, READ our readings today and spend a little time meditating on them.

Our Gospel (Matthew 18:21-35) is one I need to read and meditate on more often becuase it is a really tough one for me.

The parable is straight to the point and extremely clear. I find myself super annoyed with the servant who's debt was initially forgiven. He had a massive debt, one he would never be able to repay in his lifetime, yet when he begged and pleaded with the King, the King cut him a break and actually forgave him of the entire loan!

Talk about a kind, compassionate and merciful king!

I can only imagine the burden that must have been lifted from the servant. I can only imagine the gratitude and thanks he must have felt. Unfortunately, when the tables were turned and it came time for him to collect a debt (that was MUCH smaller), his heart was hard. He showed no compassion and no mercy, even though that is what he had received. He had the man thrown into prison for not being able to repay!

When word got back to the King about how the servant had acted, you can imagine how angry he was. He was shown mercy and grace, yet did not turn around and show that same mercy to others.

The gospel opened with Peter asking how many times we have to forgive someone who continues to wrong us. Should we forgive up to 7 times? To make a point, Jesus says not 7, but 77.

How dare I not show forgiveness! How dare I hold grudges against others. When I don't forgive, I am no better than the wicked servant in the Gospel. He was forgiven of much worse than what he was unwilling to forgive.

Jesus died to cover my sins. He has totally and completely forgiven me and continues to do so every single day! He shows me mercy, compassion and love, so how can I not do the same for others?

When I am struggling, I need to remember this parable and see me in the wicked servant, because that's what I am being like when I don't forgive!

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