Monday, March 27, 2017

Do you have an expectant hope?

Happy Monday to you! Start your week off right by READING our Mass Readings today.

Our Gospel (John 4:43-54) begins with Jesus returning to Cana in Galilee. This is where His public ministry began when he turned water into wine!

A royal official heard Jesus was there and put his pride aside and went and asked Jesus to come heal his dying son. Jesus challenged the man suggesting that unless the people see signs they will not believe, but the official remained persistent. He asked Jesus to come before his child died.

Jesus saw right into this mans heart. He knew that he had real and genuine faith. He told him to "go; your son will live."

The man didn't argue or question, he just left confident and hopeful. He was greeted by some of his slaves part way home and learned his son became well the same moment Jesus said he would!

This man approached Jesus with a humble and expectant faith. How often do you do that? I know I don't do it nearly enough. Sometimes I sincerely come to him, but not with great expectation, and not with real faith.

The royal official took Jesus word that his son would be healed. He didn't question Jesus or want more, he simply had faith and went on his way home.

I know in my head that Jesus is always there for me. I know in my head that He keeps His promises. I know in my head that nothing is impossible for Him, yet my heart fails me sometimes. I don't go to Him with the Big (or even the little) things consistently. I don't give Him the chance to prove who He is enough in my life. I don't fully and completely humble myself with the expectant hope of the royal official.

It is time to get what's in my head into my heart. It's time to fully and totally saturate myself in God's Word. It is time to bring all my stress, anxiety and fear to His feet and allow Him to work miracles in and through me!

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