Monday, April 3, 2017

Throwing stones

Happy Monday! Start the week off right and READ our daily readings for today.

Today's Gospel (John 8:1-11) may be one of the most important sections of scripture for us to pay attention to in this day in age.

A woman caught in adultery is brought to Jesus by the scribes and Pharisees. The law of Moses commands that this woman should be stoned. The scribes and Pharisees wanted to test and put Jesus in a position where they could bring him up on charges for doing something wrong or breaking the law.

I love the way Jesus manages to get out of these crazy jams without sinning or breaking laws.

Judging happens as much in the church as it does outside the church. Sadly, some of the women I know who are quickest to condemn or judge others were in my bible study! These weren't bad women, they were human women! How many of us will look down on a woman we know that cheated on her husband, maybe we don't cheat on our spouse, but we don't honor them and show them respect.

How many of us look down on a mom who's kids are misbehaving and using bad words, yet we are doing so while we are drinking away and cursing ourselves?

I do believe there are levels of sin and some are more damaging to our soul, however, Jesus was super clear here when he says "let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."

We are all sinners! None of us has the right to judge or condemn anyone else for what they do. God is the only judge! He is fair and just, we are not!

This Gospel has us really looking inward and examining our own heart before we start "throwing" stones at another.

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