Thursday, February 23, 2017

Can you separate what God put together?

It is another Friday. Don't let the week end without digging into The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Our Gospel today (Mark 10:1-12) speaks to marriage. Biblical teaching on marriage and divorce is so contrary to what the world teaches. In the world, if you aren't happy or think you have "fallen out of love" you should just get divorced.

In the world, if you are married and find yourself attracted to and having feelings for someone else, it's ok to leave your spouse to go pursue your "true love."

God intended marriage to be forever. Moses gave us some concessions and ways out, but they weren't a free-be or a do over. If you divorced you were to remain single.

This is such a difficult teaching. I would be lying if there were times in my marriage that I didn't want to "bail" or maybe wanted my husband to bail so I wouldn't feel like the one who gave up, but I know that's not God's will. We made a choice, and we must honor that choice. We chose to become one flesh and one body, making the other "the one, the only one."

This is such a difficult teaching because I have seen friends and family who have been remarried and it seems so right. I have known people in marriages that they should have gotten out of, yet is that God's will?

The most important thing to keep in mind is that we belong to God. We are His. If we choose to Marry, we need to live that marriage for God. We must work at that marriage and give it to Him.

I won't pretend this is easy at all, but I do know we can do all things through Christ. I do know he hears our cries and can change the desires of our hearts. He will walk through the struggles and the challenges with us if we allow Him to. Who has the right to separate what God has put together?

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