Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Are you a rock?

READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for the day and let's thrive through this Wednesday together!

In our Gospel (Matthew 16:13-19) today, Simon declares that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah of God! This isn't something that he figured out on his own, it had to be revealed to him by God. He is the first of the apostles to see Jesus as the anointed one! 

This is the also moment that Jesus renames Simon to Peter. Peter mean's "rock." 

Today, I am not sure how many people would want to be named "rock." For whatever reason, the only thing I think of as being associated with a rock is being dumb. Certainly, Jesus was not calling Peter dumb. 

Jesus was calling Peter a rock because he would be strong and solid and not moved in his faith. 

Through Christ we can all be rocks. We can have unshakable faith and an unwavering love. God can reveal Christ to us if we seek Him with all our heart. He can increase our faith daily if we ask Him to and allow Him to do it. 

He offers us the gift of His love, mercy and grace every single day, be open to them!

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