Friday, February 3, 2017

Haunted by Guilt

Wow, it's Friday already! Time to get into the Word by READING and/or LISTENING to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 6:14-29) we can learn a lot about many things!

  1. Be careful for the promises you make
  2. Sin is sin and will be brought to light
  3. Hatred and Jealousy can cause far worse sins to happen

I want to take a slightly different focus though. Let's look at Herod. He hears about Jesus fame and all that He is doing and Herod's first thoughts are that John must be back from the dead. Really? Herod feels so guilty and has such a dirty conscious that this is the only explanation he has for Jesus.

Herod had a deep respect for John even though he is the one that ultimately had John beheaded. John had shown bright light into the dark places of Herod's life. John lived a righteous life and spoke truth to Herod about the great sins he was committing. Herod was fascinated, fearful of, yet, respected John because John was clearly a man of God.

Herod has a very dirty conscious, and I can't imagine the guilt that hearing of Jesus must have magnified in his heart.

Have you ever felt so guilty about something you have done that you start thinking and believing things that just aren't true. You believe things that don't even make sense!

This would be a terrible way to live. I know when I have felt guilty of something I had a hard time focusing, eating, sleeping and carrying on with daily activities.

We must approach the throne of grace and repent of our sins and change our ways!  God is there to forgive the most terrible of sins if we are willing to offer them to Him and accept His compassion, mercy and grace.

Don't allow the mistakes of your past to keep coming back to haunt you. Repent, seek forgiveness, change your ways, allow Jesus to transform your heart and move on!

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