Monday, February 27, 2017

Is it worth it?

Happy Tuesday. I am so thankful and excited for today. Depending on when you are reading this I am either en route or made my way to WY to spend time with one of the most amazing women I know who is my success partner and one of my very best friends ever. God is GOOD!

Even though I am traveling, I know I need to make sure I stay in the word by READING and/or LISTENING to our readings today and every day.

Our Gospel (Mark 10:28-31) starts out with Peter sounding almost defeated. They were just told about how difficult it is to enter the Kingdom of God and asked "who can be saved". They probably feel like they are getting a raw deal by leaving behind their homes and families to follow. Why are they doing it?

Jesus reassures them that those who obey and follow will be given far more than they have given up.

We must remember this point when things get hard. We must remember this point when we wonder what this life is about and we must remember this point when following Jesus feels hard.

Nothing is impossible for God and we WILL be rewarded!

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