Monday, February 20, 2017

To Be Great, Serve Great...simple as that!

READ and/or LISTEN to God's Word today by starting with our daily readings.

Our Gospel today (Mark 9:30-37) has two pretty significant parts to it.

First we see Jesus privately teaching His disciples about what will and must happen to Him while they are traveling. He explains how he will be hated on and then be turned over for death!

As they get to where they are going, he questions the disciples about what they were arguing about on the trip.

Remember, Jesus just spent time talking to them about his awful death and the terrible things He will go through leading up to His death, and all the disciples wanted to do was argue about who amongst them was going to be considered the greatest! For realz! Talk about missing the boat.

How hurt and disappointed must Jesus have felt. Talk about wanting to face palm!

Jesus didn't freak out on them or blow up at them, He taught them. He showed them what it takes to be great. Service. To be great you must serve. You must put others and the needs of others before yourself. You must welcome and love on everyone the way you would a child. When you reach out to others with open arms, you will not just be received by Jesus with open arms, but by God as well.

If you want to be great and welcomed by God, serve!

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