Sunday, February 5, 2017

Do you recognize what's right in front of you?

Happy Monday! Let's be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to the mass readings today 😀

At first glance, Today's Gospel (Mark 6:53-56) may not look like a whole lot, but there sure is an important message!

When Jesus went to Gennesaret, people quickly recognized who He was. They "scurried" about and started bringing all the sick in the town and nearby area to Jesus. All the sick were being brought to the marketplaces where they begged Him to let them touch even just a tassel on His cloak.

The people recognized Jesus and His power to heal! Do you recognize Jesus when He is right in front of you? You you see and understand His power to heal? These people went to Jesus with an incredible and expectant you do the same?

This small passage that doesn't look like much has 3 major points for us and our faith:

1. Recognize Jesus (especially when He is in your midst)
2. Go to Him
3. Expect Him to do amazing and powerful things

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