Sunday, February 19, 2017

Walk the Talk

Happy Monday! Let's get rocking and rolling this week and dive right into The Word of God. READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

There is so much to learn in our Gospel (Mark 9:14-29) today.

At times I sit back and marvel at the Disciples and then other times I see how totally human they are. They had been performing great miracles and service in Jesus name, yet when it came to driving out this particular spirit, they couldn't do it.

The scribes and the crowd of people were arguing with them and when Jesus shows up they tell Him that His disciples couldn't drive the demon out.

I can only imagine how frustrating and possibly embarrassing this was to the disciples and how potentially disappointing this was to Jesus.

Jesus replies to the arguing "oh faithless generation, how long will I be with you?"

When this miracle wasn't performed, the faith of the people and the disciples seemed to waiver. Their faith was tied to the miracle, not to Jesus.

I feel like the disciples had started operating on auto pilot and not on their faith. This happens all the time, especially in ministry! I actually found myself farther disconnected from Christ when I was in youth ministry than when I wasn't. I was becoming more concerned with teaching and planning and being present for the youth that I wasn't allowing Christ to be present in me. I was talking the talk but was not intentional in my walk.

We also see people lose faith when something bad happens. We immediately start blaming God or thinking He didn't show up because we don't like the outcome.

Our faith can NOT be tied to the miracles we expect to happen. Our faith can not just be about words and actions but must be in the depths of our heart!

Jesus was not going to be physically present for much longer and He was trying to teach the crowd and the disciples that they must rely on their faith and grow in their prayer life. No matter what is going on around us, we must continue to have an expectant faith and know that all things are possible for God, whether He acts the way we hope or not!

Regardless of any outcome in this life, God loves us. We must never lose sight of that. We must remain strong in our faith and always trust in Him.

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