Sunday, February 12, 2017

Do you need a sign?

It's another Monday and another fresh start if you need one! Get in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

In today's Gospel (Mark 8:11-13), the Pharisees were arguing with Jesus and wanted to test Him by demanding a sign from God. It seems a little absurd that they were demanding a sign from our ultimate sign, right?

How often do we do the same thing, though? We want a sign, yet miss them every day. There is proof and evidence of God and His love all around us, yet we miss it? We don't see or feel His presence among us. Why? Are we not seeking it? Are we not allowing ourselves to get quiet and listen?

He makes His presence known to us in many ways. He reaches us through His Word, when we read it and when we hear our priest proclaim it. Sometimes He makes His presence known through the people He puts in our lives.  We don't get to pick and choose How He will show himself, we just need to have faith that He is there and will show Himself when we seek Him with all our heart.

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