Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Fuzzy at First

Take a few moments to READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

Our Gospel today (Mark 8:22-26) is the same story we read last week, but from a different author with a few more details.

A blind man is brought to Jesus begging for his sight back. Jesus takes the blind man away from the crowds to heal him. He puts a little spit on his eyes, laid hands on him and asks if the man can see. The man can see shapes, but they are still not clear ("I see people looking like trees and walking").

Jesus puts His hands on the man a second time and the man can see clearly!

Why does the man's sight not get restored on the first shot? What are we suppose to be learning or gaining from this story? Perhaps we are to understand that things may not always seem clear at first but if we continue to trust Jesus and have faith, things will be made clear.

The more time we spend in prayer and in The Word, the more clearly we will begin to see and hear God's Word. He will continue to show himself and open our eyes, but we have to keep seeking and continue to have faith through the process.

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