Friday, February 17, 2017

Costs and Investments

Great Day to you! It's another Friday, don't let it get by you without READING and/or LISTENING to our readings for today.

Our Gospel (Mark 8:34-9:1) for today is incredibly powerful and very clear. If we want to join Jesus and see Him face to face in Heaven, will must follow Him. We must do the hard stuff, face the persecution that will come our way, deny ourselves the temporary and worldly pleasures that present themselves to us and follow His lead.

We are being asked to count costs. We are asked to look at what really matters. Are the temporary things of this life worth more than the everlasting, and if not, isn't it time we start acting that way!?

How are you spending your time, talent and treasure? Who are you spending these with and on?

Are you working all the time, miserable to the people around you and just trying to become rich? Where is that really going to get you?

Jesus wants us to examine our hearts and consider what we are investing in. What are the things that matter most and are most worthwhile? Spend your time and energy there! Spend your time and energy on the things and people that truly matter and bring you joy! Spend your time and energy on the things and with the people that help you know Christ better and bring you closer to Him. Spend your time and energy on the things and with the people that will make you a better person!

Figure out what truly matters in this life and the next before it's too late.

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