Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Can you really go home again?

Holy smokes, just like that and it's February! Start the month off right and READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

I graduated with a Masters degree in Social Work. I specialized in geriatric care and had an internship at the VA Hospital in Albany, NY as well as a nursing home. After getting my degree I worked as a social worker in an acute and subacute rehab center (where older people would go to get physical rehab after illness or surgeries in preparation to either go home or a new level of care). I knew my stuff! I performed many intake evaluations and facilitated transitions home, to assisted living facilities and nursing homes. I spent a lot of time working with patients and families around end of life issues and so much more.

When it came time to start transitioning my great grandmother to a new level of care, it's like no one had any idea that I might know what to do. I remember my family taking her to the doctor for a mini mental status exam and hearing all about how agitated she was to go. Following the visit I had a long discussion with my mother and grandmother about how there was no need to agitate her and bring her to the doctor, I could have done the exam in 10 minutes from the comfort of her home. I literally conducted them several times a week! I was able to easily make recommendations and assist in determining the next level of care, but it fell on deaf ears.

They knew me as a pain in the butt kid. They knew what I went to school for and did for a living, yet it was like that just didn't understand. They couldn't comprehend that I would know what to do or could even help.

That is what I think of whenever I read this Gospel Mark 6:1-6). Jesus performed miracles all over the place. He healed the sick, forgave sins and he raised a girl from the dead! What happens when he goes home? They were "astonished" at his teaching. They couldn't figure out where he gained his wisdom, then they started focusing on the memories of the kid they knew. Jesus was just that neighbor kid, that carpenter down the road, what does He know? They were offended at the idea He could teach them anything. Because of their lack of faith, He was only able to lay hands on and heal a few sick people and then left town.

Have you ever returned home and people can't seem to take you for the man or woman you have grown into? They can't get past who you use to be or who they remember. Have you responded this way to others? Have you not been open to the idea that someone you knew having something special to offer you now?

The people in Nazareth pre-judged Jesus, and by not being open to Him and refusing to accept Him and His teaching, He was unable to do the good work He was capable of doing for them.

We must stop pre-judging people based on what we knew of them or think we know about them because we are missing out on so much in this world when we do!

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